About MYOB Accounting Command Center

The MYOB COMMAND CENTER (click to see screenshot below) is the main Window and is usually where you start. At the Command Center, you can select to do various tasks with a number of TABS at the top and a cascading file menu in the center, and drop down menu at the bottom.

There will also be a Help Icon MYOB Help Icon which you can click at any point to get Help and Information about the task you want to perform.

The MYOB Accounting Command Center will have 6 tabs at the top
| Accounts | Banking | Sales | Purchases | Inventory | Card Files |

MYOB Accounting Comman Center
MYOB Accounting Comman Center

Click any one of the tabs and a Cascading Menu will appear in the center window of the Command Center where you can click on any of the 6 tabs to continue with various tasks.

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